Dubai Labor Camps

Dubai Labor Camps

Dubai Labor Camps

The WMA team had the privilege of presenting the Gospel at two of these labor camps. More than thirty young men like sardines in a can gathered into a small 12 x 16 bunk room where Brother Travis Tatum and myself were able to preach a salvation message. The response was amazing, at least 10 young men gave their hearts to Christ. 

Dubai Labor Camp Report

By Fred J. Wynn


On behalf of the World Missions to Asia mission team, please allow me to share with you our latest mission report, which took place December, 2015.


We had an incredible opportunity to minister to migrant workers living in labor camps outside of Dubai. There are approximately 2000 labor camps with an estimated population of 200,000 men living in these camps. Thousands and thousands of men come here to work from Southeast Asian countries like Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc.


The working conditions are strenuous as they labor 12-14 hours a day Monday - Saturday for a very low monthly salary. "Now I know how they are building the beautiful and magnificent city of Dubai", but this is all very sad. A labor camp is much like a slave camp. Literally every day hundreds and hundreds of busses travel back and fourth delivering these men to their place of work.


The WMA team had the privilege of presenting the Gospel at two of these labor camps. More than thirty young men like sardines in a can gathered into a small 12 x 16 bunk room where Brother Travis Tatum and myself were able to preach a salvation message. The response was amazing, at least 10 young men gave their hearts to Christ.


WMA is making prayerful plans to move forward into a powerful evangelistic ministry to reach these men for Christ. Our vision is to convert and disciple as many men as we can to the eternal gospel of Jesus Christ. Then these new disciples of Christ will carry the good news of Christ back to their respective countries and families all over Asia.


I am rejoicing for the new opportunities of ministry and praising the Lord for the new friendships of great men of God that we met on this recent mission journey. These precious men share the same vision and the same burden of World Missions of Asia [WMA] in converting and discipling the Hindu, Buddhist & Muslim in Asia for Christ.

  • two men are standing at a table with microphones in front of a cross .
  • four men are posing for a picture in front of a building
  • a large group of people are posing for a picture in front of a sign that says welcome
  • two men are standing in front of a cross in a church .
  • a man is giving a speech in front of a cross in a church

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